あっちゃんの英会話で役立つブログ(子供は見ちゃダメヨ) Akira Blog


English lesson 20: Lord of pick-up Tom&Andy part3

How have you been, motherfuckers !?

Long time no see you!!!


ということで、さっそくTomとAndyの続きいきましょう。 前回はバカトークしてましたね、今回はどうなるのでしょうか、、、



Tom: When you pick up Japanese girls, according to the pick-up artist, you can do whatever the fuck you want and touch them. If they don`t walk away, You can kiss and take her. Japanese girls like white guys. They think white men have a bigger dick than Japanese guys.

Andy: That`s abusolutely Hitler`s bullshit. Who says that ?

Tom: Many white guys who lives in Tokyo. I chat with them online.

Andy: Are you sure that he was not Jullian ?

Tom: Haha no, even if so, I would love to. Anyway we must try it.

Andy: Do you think that they understand English ?

Tom: Doesn`t matter. Most of them want to learn English. Trust me, They love white guys.

Andy:Ok, ,,Hey, there is a pretty girl on that corner. You gotta show me how to do that.

Tom: Where ? oh,,,yeah, she is cute.

Andy: Many Japanese girls are so skinny.

Tom: I know. The only thing that bothers me is that they don`t have big ass. but it`s no big deal with a big cock as long as they have holes.

Andy: You are totally a fucker, aren`t you ?

Tom: Shut up, dude. all right. I`ll talk to her.

Andy: Good luck, man.


To be continued,,,,





Pick up

「拾う」って意味です。Pick up girlsでナンパって意味にもなります。


according to~






walk away

 「去ってゆく」という感じに近いですね。walkは歩くでawayは「離れる」みたいな感じですから。run awayで「走り去る」です。






the only thing that bothers me is~は「たったひとつ俺をムカつかせるのは~」と言う感じです。Tomはケツが小さい日本人の女の子が納得できないそうです。


It`s no big deal







See you soon !!