あっちゃんの英会話で役立つブログ(子供は見ちゃダメヨ) Akira Blog


English lesson 22: Lord of pick-up Tom$Andy

How`s it going !?





Tom: Actually I showed him your photo and he says you are cute. Good for you, bro ahahahaha !!  

Andy:Oh Jesus !! fuck you, man !

Tom: Just kidding. but to be honest, he calls himself "five-stars-ass-friendly-guy".

Andy: What the hell does that mean ?

Tom: Meaning that his ass is the tightest hole you ever imagine. Warm, soft, but tight at the same time and all kinds of shit.  you should see him fuck.

Andy: Ahahahaha !! absolutely I don`t wanna imagine that shit !

Tom:He also mentioned proudly that his blow job can make any guys cum within 3 minutues 

Andy: Holy fuck...Tom, Come on, Do we really have to stay with that fucking beast ?

Tom: I know but he is gonna introduce some hot Japanese chicks to us. that`s the deal.

Andy: He really said so ? 

Tom: Yeah,  I`m sure. Trust me. Wanna see the girls?

Andy: Yeah? you have photos?

Tom: Yeah, He sent me some. Check this out.

Andy:,,,,good...I guess.

Tom: What`s wrong ? She is not your cup of tea ?

Andy: Tom, Honestly I`m not really fancy Asian girls. They are pretty, but I like white girls.

Tom: Well, you never know until you try.

Andy: ,,,,Then,,,See it happen, bro.


To be continued,,,,





Jesus これはイエス、キリストの名前ですが、Jesus christ ! ってまあoh my godみたいなニュアンスです。「マジかよ!」みたいな感じですかね。日本語にはない言い方ですよね。でも簡単でしょ?


mention  [言う」「述べる」みたいな感じです。


holy fuck はholy shitのさらにびっくりした感じの時に言います。


that`s the deal 「それが取引(約束)だ」てな感じです。


not your cup of tea これは「キミのタイプじゃない」って意味です。例えばshe is not my cup of tea て言えば「あの子は俺のタイプじゃない」て意味です。これカジュアルな言い方だし、別にこんな言い方しなくても、she is not my typeでもいいんすよ。


fancy「 興味、好き、気に入る」みたいな感じです。


see it happen は「どうなることやら」、「それが起こればわかることだ」みたいなニュアンスです。これ日本語に訳するのは難しいですね。









Have a good week end !!