あっちゃんの英会話で役立つブログ(子供は見ちゃダメヨ) Akira Blog


English lesson 24: Lord of pick-up Tom&Andy

How are you doing ?




Let`s practice this conversation orally !! ( Who the fuck wants to practice this shit !?)


Takashi: Excuse me , Are you Tom ?

Tom: Oh yeah,,, Are you Takashi?

Takashi: Yes !  I`m Takashi. Nice to meet you.

Tom: Nice to meet you too. This is my friend, Andy.

Andy: Hey man, how`s it going?

Takashi: I`m fine. Thank you.

Tom: You look,,,,very normal. I thought you Looked like a very hard-core dude. because,,,

Takashi: Oh, I`d be hard-core when I`m on my job.

Tom: Haha,,,I see,,,

Andy: Are you working today?

Takashi: I`m working everyday, everynight. I have many good customers, young ones, old ones, middle aged ones, chinese ones, black ones, caucasian ones and somestimes jewish ones. Occasionally I`d have threesome. They are 72 years old from Thai land.

Andy: Holy shit,,,,

Takashi: You two can have me If you want.

Tom: Oh no, We are Ok, dude.

Andy: Can I ask something ?,,,ah,,,Takashi,,,why you got that kind of job?

Takashi: That`s a long story with a long dick. Since I was a teenager, I never fancied any girls, didn`t know why.. I hadn`t yet realized my limitless potential for my penis, but oneday, I couldn`t stop my big fat bam-boo sword any longer.so what I did was,,,,I sucked my dick.

Tom&Andy became speechless,,,,,

Takashi: It was very experimental if you ask me.,,, and  while i was on my own, my dad caught me right there. I thought he was going to kill me or something, but instead, he came up to me without saying anything and took his pants down and rode on me.... It was not embarrassing . It was liberating. My whole world changed over night. I lost my virginity to my own father. he is proud of that and so am I. That enlightenment made me who I am today.

Tom: Jesus fucking christ,,,

Andy: You,,,you lost your virginity to your dad,,,,?

Takashi: Yes, and without condom on.

Andy: Haha,,,,you are not serious, right ?

Takashi: I`m very serious. A true story.

Andy: Oh my god,,,,

Tom: Well,,,we are totally straight, so you won`t demand for sexal favours to us, Ok ?

Takashi: No problem. I`m very professional.

Tom: We are looking for pretty Japanese girls. where should we go ?

Takashi: I`ll show you guys. Let`s go.


To be continued,,,,,





caucasian は白人のことです。別に白人のことはwhiteって言っても問題ないです。


jewish ユダヤ人のことです。jewと略してもかまいません。


threesome 3Pのことです。


embarrassing 恥ずかしいという意味です。自分が恥ずかしい思いをしたなら、I`m embarrassedです。なにかの物事や状況が恥ずかしいなら,~ is embarrassing.

~ingと~edの違いは自分が~なのか、それとも、ある物、出来事が~かです。例えば I`m shockedは「俺はショックだ」という意味です。ショックを受けているのは自分です。受け身(passive)になりますから~edになります。もしI`m shockingというと、自分がショックを受けたんじゃなくて、自分自身がショッキングな人という意味になります。まあI`m shockingなんて言う人はいませんから。「あのニュースはショックだった」というならthat news was shocking という意味です。that news was shockedとは言いません。お分かり? これ理解するといろんな表現理解できます。

I was so terrified ( 俺はすごく怖がった)He was so terrifying(あいつはマジで怖かった)とか。


lost virginity to~ は童貞、または処女を喪失したという意味です。英語には男は童貞、女は処女というように区別していません。男でもI lost my virginityと言います。to~の後はあなたがvirginityを失くした相手を置きます。文中の場合、たかしはお父さん(my own father)で童貞を捨てたということになります。つーかどんな家庭だよ!!


enlightenment  啓発みたいな意味です。なにか自分の人生を変えるような出来事があって、そこで何か悟るみたいなときに使いますね。


demand for sexal favours 肉体関係を約束をする言い方ですが、この言い方はold fashion,つまり古い言い方なので、みんなこんな表現しないかもです。でも知っとくと損はしないです。口語ではなくても、文学にはこういう言葉でてくるかもしれませんから。





Bad luck, motherfuckers !!


English lesson 23: Lord of pick-up Tom&Andy In Tokyo

Hi Motherfuckers !!





Tom: You know, In Japan, If you find a girl somewhere else and want to fuck her but can not bring her to your home , there are tons of hotels called "Love Hotel". It is literally used for only having sex. you pay about 70 bucks for one night.. Love hotels are everywhere. It`s fucking magic, right ?

Andy: That`s interesting, but 70 bucks for one night is expensive, isn`t it ?

Tom: Yeah, but you know what ? some hotels are very luxury and fun. My friend told me that the love hotel where he stayed in Tokyo sells many kinds of dildos !

Andy:Haha ! That`s fucking awesome, 

Tom: Bob told me, actually. He visited here a year ago . He fucked shit out of tons of many Japanese girls. If someone says that she`s ever had a black guy,  that`s Bob.

Andy: Ahahaha !! Absolutely fucking black cock magic.

Tom: He is a master. Master of fucking black cock. Of course he didn`t need any dildos. Mind you, No any dildos are bigger than his dick. 

Andy: He fucking rules !!

Tom: yeah,,,,,,Ok,,,Takashi texted me now. He is coming here soon.

Andy: Jeez,,,How does he look like ?

Tom: Tall, Skinny and short hair.

Andy: Looks like exactly a typical gay guy ?

Tom: I guess. 


,,,,And Japanese guy walks toward Tom and Andy with smile.


Tom: I think here he comes.

Andy: ,,,Yeah,,,,


To be continued,,,,







Tons of とは「たくさん」という意味でカジュアルな言い方です。 a lot of と同じ。


literally 「文字通り」というニュアンスです。literatureは「文学」という意味ですから。

bucks はdollars,つまり「ドル」という意味で使われることもあります。70 bucksは70ドルということです。


luxury 「高級」「ぜいたく」みたいな意味で。


dildo は、ち%この形したバイブのことです。


mind you これは日本語に直訳するのは難しいけど 「残念ながら」「でもね」みたいな感じかなあ。これは日本語で説明ができないから英語を英語でとらえて理解する方がいいですね、やっぱり。


Jeez はJesusの略です。つまり「まじかよ」みたいな感じの省略バージョンです。


こんな感じです。 文中の言葉もなるべく、日本語に訳して理解するんではなくて、英語を英語で理解することが、やっぱり上達しやすいと思います。




See ya !!

English lesson 22: Lord of pick-up Tom$Andy

How`s it going !?





Tom: Actually I showed him your photo and he says you are cute. Good for you, bro ahahahaha !!  

Andy:Oh Jesus !! fuck you, man !

Tom: Just kidding. but to be honest, he calls himself "five-stars-ass-friendly-guy".

Andy: What the hell does that mean ?

Tom: Meaning that his ass is the tightest hole you ever imagine. Warm, soft, but tight at the same time and all kinds of shit.  you should see him fuck.

Andy: Ahahahaha !! absolutely I don`t wanna imagine that shit !

Tom:He also mentioned proudly that his blow job can make any guys cum within 3 minutues 

Andy: Holy fuck...Tom, Come on, Do we really have to stay with that fucking beast ?

Tom: I know but he is gonna introduce some hot Japanese chicks to us. that`s the deal.

Andy: He really said so ? 

Tom: Yeah,  I`m sure. Trust me. Wanna see the girls?

Andy: Yeah? you have photos?

Tom: Yeah, He sent me some. Check this out.

Andy:,,,,good...I guess.

Tom: What`s wrong ? She is not your cup of tea ?

Andy: Tom, Honestly I`m not really fancy Asian girls. They are pretty, but I like white girls.

Tom: Well, you never know until you try.

Andy: ,,,,Then,,,See it happen, bro.


To be continued,,,,





Jesus これはイエス、キリストの名前ですが、Jesus christ ! ってまあoh my godみたいなニュアンスです。「マジかよ!」みたいな感じですかね。日本語にはない言い方ですよね。でも簡単でしょ?


mention  [言う」「述べる」みたいな感じです。


holy fuck はholy shitのさらにびっくりした感じの時に言います。


that`s the deal 「それが取引(約束)だ」てな感じです。


not your cup of tea これは「キミのタイプじゃない」って意味です。例えばshe is not my cup of tea て言えば「あの子は俺のタイプじゃない」て意味です。これカジュアルな言い方だし、別にこんな言い方しなくても、she is not my typeでもいいんすよ。


fancy「 興味、好き、気に入る」みたいな感じです。


see it happen は「どうなることやら」、「それが起こればわかることだ」みたいなニュアンスです。これ日本語に訳するのは難しいですね。









Have a good week end !!


English Lesson 21: Lord of pick-up Tom&Andy

What`s up?






Tom: Ah,,,konnichiwa( hello in Jap), Do you know where is a good bar around here ? I have no idea where to go. Can you show me how to get a cool place?

Girl:,,,,,!?? (seeming that she doesn`t understand and is scard a little bit)

Tom: Wa-ta-shi-wa-Tom desu ( I`m Tom)  yo-ro-shi-ku ( nice to meet you)

Girl: Ah,,,gomen-nasai,,,!! (sorry) (she walks away)

Tom: No,,,no,, wait,,! I just,,,,!,,,,,,,Fuck !!! What`s wrong with her !?

Andy: She must have thought you were a freak, haha.

Tom: No ! I tried to be nice. I even spoke Japanese. What the fuck is that bitch !?

Andy: Maybe It`s not a good idea to pick up girls on the street in Japan. You got to be a gentleman, bro.

Tom:Fuck that ! I don`t wanna act like fucking James bond.

Andy: Come on, man. They are not like American girls, you know that.

Tom: Yeah,,,yeah,,,I know,,,,fuck it,.We need to smoke a joint right now.

Andy: Are you fucking retarded !? You can not smoke right here. we`d be in serious trouble If we smoke here.

Tom: Like what ? They`d kick my ass out of this country or something?

Andy: More than that. Anyway, I just wanna sit and have a couple of beer.

Tom: Ok,,,then let`s keep walking, bro....Actually, we are going to meet a Japanese guy.

Andy: Who?

Tom: This guy (showing his photo). His name is Takashi.

Andy: Your friend?

Tom: Well, Kind of. I found him online. We need someone who can take us to some good places, right ?

Andy: I see.

Tom: He is a male prostitute though.

Andy: what ?

Tom: Don`t worry. I told him that we are totally straight and he has his own company anyway.

Andy: What the fuck is going on? you didn`t necessary to get a Japanese male prostitute to guide us.

Tom: Andy,  I don`t care what he does as long as he takes care of us.

Andy: Take care of us !! definitely not for me !!

Tom: Come on. It really doesn`t matter . He will help us to get some Japanese girls. I promise , bro. I`ll text him now and we`ll see him soon, Ok?

Andy: ,,,All right,,


To be continued






scard は怖いという意味です。she is scardで「女の子は怖がっている」ということです。もともとscareが受け身(passive)の形でscardになっていますからshe is scardになるのです。scareの類義語はfrightenです


we are totally straight は「俺たちはストレート」つまりゲイじゃなくて普通に女の子好きなんだぜって意味です。向こうに住んでるとたまにこういう質問うけるかもしれませんね。 Are you straight ?って。自分がストレートならYESと答えましょう。分からないでNOとかいうと間違われるので気を付けてください。


he has his own companyは直訳すると、「彼は自分の会社を持っている」となりますが、この場合、companyは会社じゃなく、グループ、相手、恋人、同類の相手がいるという意味になります。つまり、文の意味は、このゲイの男は自分の相手を持っているから、TomとAndyには手を出さないよ、という意味です。



definitely は 「絶対そうだね」みたいな感じの意味です。abusolutelyに近いですね。








Have a good day !!


English lesson 20: Lord of pick-up Tom&Andy part3

How have you been, motherfuckers !?

Long time no see you!!!


ということで、さっそくTomとAndyの続きいきましょう。 前回はバカトークしてましたね、今回はどうなるのでしょうか、、、



Tom: When you pick up Japanese girls, according to the pick-up artist, you can do whatever the fuck you want and touch them. If they don`t walk away, You can kiss and take her. Japanese girls like white guys. They think white men have a bigger dick than Japanese guys.

Andy: That`s abusolutely Hitler`s bullshit. Who says that ?

Tom: Many white guys who lives in Tokyo. I chat with them online.

Andy: Are you sure that he was not Jullian ?

Tom: Haha no, even if so, I would love to. Anyway we must try it.

Andy: Do you think that they understand English ?

Tom: Doesn`t matter. Most of them want to learn English. Trust me, They love white guys.

Andy:Ok, ,,Hey, there is a pretty girl on that corner. You gotta show me how to do that.

Tom: Where ? oh,,,yeah, she is cute.

Andy: Many Japanese girls are so skinny.

Tom: I know. The only thing that bothers me is that they don`t have big ass. but it`s no big deal with a big cock as long as they have holes.

Andy: You are totally a fucker, aren`t you ?

Tom: Shut up, dude. all right. I`ll talk to her.

Andy: Good luck, man.


To be continued,,,,





Pick up

「拾う」って意味です。Pick up girlsでナンパって意味にもなります。


according to~






walk away

 「去ってゆく」という感じに近いですね。walkは歩くでawayは「離れる」みたいな感じですから。run awayで「走り去る」です。






the only thing that bothers me is~は「たったひとつ俺をムカつかせるのは~」と言う感じです。Tomはケツが小さい日本人の女の子が納得できないそうです。


It`s no big deal







See you soon !!

English Lesson 19:Lord of the pick up Tom&Andy part2

Hey, What`s up??

今日もトムとアンディの話の続きしちゃいます。知らない人はLesson 8,9,10 18を見ればわかると思います。じゃあ今日も英会話レッスン始めよう!!


Tom&Andy in Tokyo part2,,,,



Tom: Akihabara is the place where there are many Japanese girls wearing maid costumes and also a lot of stores sell many kinds of Anime figure and crazy shit. Geek-looking-Japanese guys go nuts about it.


Andy: Do you like Anime? I realliy don`t,,,,,


Tom: Neither do I . I just wanna see it, you know? It`s completely shocking to me,,,

Ah,,,Andy, Do you wanna smoke a joint now? I have some, actually.


Andy: What !? are you fucking retarded !? Did you bring it from home ?


Tom: Yeah.What`s wrong .


Andy: Man, you`ll get busted ! Smoking weed in Japan is very taboo. It`s not like our country!


Tom: Don`t worry, bro. I hid it in my ass. It`s very safe, nobody is gonna see my anus.


Andy: I don`t wanna smoke weed that ripens in your anus.


Tom:Ahahaha ! I wrapped it, of course 


Andy: Oh course I know !! Who the fuck is gonna put weed in anus without wrapping it !


Tom: Ahahaha ! Vaporizng it in my ass, Come on !! You can get high smoking through my anus !

Andy: Ahahahaha !! That`s absolutely hilarious ! yeah bro, we gotta have a lot of fun.


Tom: That`s right,  but first, we need to leave our stuffs in the place, take a shower, smoke and go out, ok?


Andy: Got it. 


Tom: All right, let`s go !!




To be continued,,,,,





Neither do I これはAndyがI don`t 、、、と言ったことに対して賛成する否定文です。「俺もだよ(俺も好きじゃないよ)」ということです。me too じゃなくてこれ使うこともあります。I didn`t like,,,で賛成するならneither did I といえばいいです。neitherの後はそこがdoなのかdidなのかwasなのかamかは前に行った人の表現で変えます。


you know これは日本語にないニュアンスですが、まあ「わかるだろ?」に近い表現ですかね。特に深い意味じゃないんで何回も聞けばすぐ慣れると思います。



joint これはジョイントマリファナのことで。向こうの世界はかなりカジュアルです。「ジョイント吸う?」みたいなこと聞かれることもあるのでそこは自己判断でお願いします。ちなみにweed これもマリファナを指します。もともと草という意味からきてます。


Are you retarded ? これは結構悪い言葉ですが、retardedはもともとメンタルに問題があって、普通の人より遅れてる人間を指します。これ、人だけじゃなく使えない、役に立たない、クソだと思う物に対しても使えます。たとえばCD聞くオーディオが全然再生してくれない、オンラインの通信が超遅くて苛立たせるパソコンにいえます

例 This computer is so retarded. It`s fucking slow.


get busted これは逮捕されるという意味です。普通に言うならget arrested またはbe arrestedでもいいです。

例 He was arrested for robbing the bank




ripen (熟す)


wrap (包装する)


hiralious 超おかしいという意味です。funnyよりももっと面白い時に使います。






See you soon !!


English lesson 18: Lord of pick-up Tom&Andy in Tokyo

Hi, motherfuckers !! How`s your balls hanging ?





Andy decided to go to Japan with Tom. They finally arrived in Japan 

This is how the story goes,,,,


Tom: So finally,,,,we are In Japan now !! Tokyo ! Yo-ko-so !(welcome in Japanese)


Andy: Man,,I`m really tired, so long flight. 


Tom: Dude, You`ll be fine soon. We came here to have a lot of fun.


Andy: Yeah,,,,but I couldn`t sleep on the flight `cause the guy sit beside me had really bad smelly arm-pits.It was worse than my granpa`s mouth. I have no idea what he was made of .(うん、、でも飛行機の中で眠れなかった。おれの隣に座ってた男のワキガの匂いがハンパなかった。おれのおじちゃんの口臭よりひどかったわ。あいつ何でできてんだろうな、わかんねえ)

Tom: Ahahaha ! It`s ok, bro. Life sometimes do that to you, but you know what ? We are going to get some Japanese girls tonight.


Andy: I hope so.


Tom: You hope so?  You must.  Andy.


Andy:Ok,,,,so,,How are we going to get our place?


Tom: It is located on Akihabara. We are going to take a subway.  


Andy: Akihabara?


Tom: Yeah. It`s kind of crazy town.


Andy: How crazy?


Tom: You`ll see it soon.



to be continued,,,,,


Finally Tom and Andy got in Japan. What is going to happen to them?  Are they really going to get Japanese girls?

Do not miss the next Tom$Andy !!!

さあ、ついに日本についたTomとAndy. これからなにが起きるのか、そして彼らは日本人の女の子をゲットできるのか?





decide  動詞(verb)で「決心する」という意味です。名詞(noun)ならdecisionです。

I made a decision「決心をつけた」ていう意味に近い言葉です。decisionを使う時は動詞をmake(過去形made)にすると、Okです。


finally (ついに、最終的に)


arrive (到着)


man, dude この言葉って正直日本語には訳せないというか、日本では使わないむこうの話し方なんです。意味は男、野郎って意味ですが、アンディが言ってた「Man,,,I`m really,,,」のManは男って言ってるわけじゃないです。まあこれ、そんなに気にしないで、マネすればいいんじゃないですかね。


beside (横)sit next to meでもOKです。


armpits (脇)


I have no idea これはI I don`t knowと同じような意味です。よくみんな使いますね。


I hope so I hopeの後のsoはどういう意味?とわからない人もいるでしょう。

これは前にTomが「we are going to get some Japanese girls tonight」と言ってた文を表してます。I hope we are going to~また繰り返さずにsoと言ってしまえば「そうだといいね」ということになるのです。


kind of (ある意味)






 Check this out too, If you want to have a good vibe








Have a nice ass, baby !!!